All tagged amazon fashion

I came up with this concept of a ‘Garment Spotlight’ blog one night while I had a few glasses of wine. Its intended tagline, ‘What is it. Why I love it. Where to buy it. How to style it.’ Honestly, I’m sober now and I still think it was a creative idea. So here we are, the first of many in the Garment Spotlight Series, I bring you the shacket.

Why Your Amazon Outfits Look Like Sh*t

Have you fallen victim to Amazon fashion? You need something new for an event in 48 hours so you turn to Amazon. Or maybe its one of those late nights where you’re trolling your Instagram feed and one of those Amazon/Walmart/Target fashion bloggers pops up wearing the most amazing dress. So you hit add to cart, checkout and go about your day on a little retail high. You’re giddy because you scored the holy grail of garments for under $30.