You're Amazing

You're Amazing

To continue on my quest to spread positivity, I ‘sat down’ with my girl Suzanne Taylor to discuss positive self image. I pains me to work with someone, or heck, just to know someone that struggles with inner demons. Yes, I’m boosting confidences one closet at a time, but if you don’t truly believe in yourself, new clothes are only going to be a quick fix. Everyone has something to be thankful for, everyone has something amazing about themselves and that my friend, is something to remember (especially for when we talk about bathing suits next week!)

Personally, I think something to keep in mind when you are feeling some self doubt, or your mind is beating you up, remember that it’s ok you’re feeling this way. Its ok that you’re not having the best day, but don’t dwell on it. Listen to that voice, and reprogram it. My goal as your image consultant is to transform the way you feel from the outside in. I want you to know that you not only look amazing, but are amazing.

Check out my chat with Suzanne for some actionable tips for a positive psyche.

xo, Ashley


Does it Suit You?

Does it Suit You?

