All tagged self care

From the Gym --> Gin & Tonics

I would consider the athleisure trend a blessing and a curse. Sure, its also nice that a wide variety of casual styles is considered acceptable and its nice to know there are comfortable options for nearly any function, but at the same time, I think its enforced this fear of being ‘overdressed’. When did that become such a bad thing?! Check out this blog to read more about that…

I blacked out...

This typically happens when I have too much vodka or shots of tequila but that’s actually not what I’m talking about here. What I want to discuss is the amount of black that I find my clients wearing (and honestly, me too). Have we all become afraid of color? When you look in your closet is it a sea of darkness? A black hole? Lets breakdown why we’re blacking out. Which of these situations resonate with you…

a beautiful year

What does beauty mean to you? Can something be irregular and beautiful? I’ve always found beauty in unexpected things, but recently a article in In Style magazine has me pushing my thoughts of beauty just a bit further. While reading this issue, I came across an article featuring a model smiling with less than perfect teeth, even missing her front tooth. I caught myself thinking why did the company choose her to pose for this article? I felt like I had been brainwashed by perfect pearly whites thinking that she shouldn’t be featured with her imperfect pout. Could I not see her beauty? And then I stopped myself. Beautiful doesn’t have to be this standard of symmetry.

Smiling's My Favorite!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! This time of year brings holiday parties, family traditions, and holiday shopping! When I think about what to get for others, I often think about what I would want to receive and what I personally love. If I love it, chances are my friends and family will too! I’ve compiled a list of 5 of my favorite things, why I love them and where to get them! They’re items I continue to each for and are universal to whatever your personal style may be!

My Outfit Has Got Me Feeling Thankful

The season of thanks is upon us and soon I will be hosting a feast for 28 family members and I couldn’t be more excited. Since I was a kid, Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday. I love what it stands for, I love the food and we all know I love any opportunity to dress a little nicer than usual.