A Lesson Learned in Quarantine
I feel like I could write this blog over and over again because I have learned so much about myself, relationships and even my own personal style while staying closer to home for the last 9 months or so. I compare it to when you turn the lights out at night. Suddenly, when you can’t see, your other senses become heightened. Take away social events, and all of a sudden you start noticing things about yourself more.
I’ve always been one to look forward to an upcoming event, and even more- what I am going to wear to that event. So with a slim calendar, my clothes have been begging for attention! Somewhere in between week 20 of quarantine and a cancelled Thanksgiving, I realized that I needed to drop any association I had previously developed for my clothes. No more sparkles are for evening or this is new and I am going to save it for an occasion. If this quarantine has taught me anything, it has taught me to disassociate my clothing with their normal function. If we continue to save our favorite items for a fancy event, they will either not fit anymore because of the quarantine 15 we’ve gained, or they will be out of style.
Today I stayed home all day. I was a teacher to my 5 year old’s virtual schooling, I was a housewife and reorganized my pantry, and I was a wife who cooked a banging dinner. I did it all in a brand new sweatshirt from Zara. Because ladies, why wait? It felt so good to rip off the tags and feel cute around the house. Last week I had errands to run and I wore heeled booties and a bodycon sweater dress. It felt good, I looked good, and I finally got to wear it. A few weeks prior I wore a skirt that I would have normally worn with a client and heels. I put it on with sneakers and a tee and felt just as great.
So I challenge you ladies to wear all the things in your closet that you have been saving for a fancy event, or maybe just saving for anything! Get creative and think of different ways you can wear it!
xo, Ashley
Me in my new Zara sweatshirt