Evolution is the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form. No, I’m not about to get all scientific on you, but I think evolution is an extremely relevant topic when talking about ones image and style.
We’ve all evolved, literally as humans. Careers have evolved, styles and fashion have evolved, but in all this change, have you personally evolved?
I think it is natural for humans to continue to want more. I’m not saying this is a good or a bad thing, but it seems natural. Each year in your career you want more money, more responsibility, more toys- be it a beach house, boat or a new car. We might want all of these things, but is the image that we are wearing too small for all this abundance?
With everything changing and evolving around us, have you taken the time to check your image to see if that needs evolving too? Often I see women putting their image on the back burner to everything else, thinking that their actions or their work product will speak louder than what people see. For every high achiever, there is one greater WITH an amazing image to match. I challenge you to ask yourself as you get dressed this morning, is your image at the same level that you are operating in? Are you wearing styles from 10 years ago?
I leave you with a story of a client I have. She was approaching promotion to director and realized her image needed some up-leveling. After working together, people at her firm, started noticing that she was placing importance on her image. Her bosses started talking and complimented her, people in other offices heard about her transformation. Her colleagues recognized the changes she was making and she earned so much respect.
What does your image say about yourself? Has it evolved? As always, contact me here for a free consultation.