I got laid off, and I'm Okay.

I got laid off, and I'm Okay.

For the past 7 years my home away from home has been a 7x5 foot cubicle. Before that, another cubicle, and before that, another cubicle. Each one cluttered with documents and office supplies, and wallpapered with photos of my loved ones. So that brings us to today, just a few days before my last day in Corporate America (oh, that felt good to type). Yes, in just a few days, I will hand in my ‘keys’ (aka my badge) and close the door on this part of my life and can positively say, I got laid off from my Corporate America job, and I’m okay.

I feel like more often than not, getting laid off for a lot of people is like a gentle nudge from the Universe to tell you to, ‘Hey, listen to that voice in the back of your head. You know, the one you tend to silence and make excuses for? Her.’ Well Universe,

Nudge felt.

I am so excited for this new chapter in life for myself, my family, and all of you! For the first time in 6 years I will be able to focus all of my time and efforts into helping women be their best selves! The tug of war game between my full time Corporate job and my part time business is over! I have so much in store for you all! There will be new services, new events, and regular blog posts (because I know ya’ll want to know whats going on in this crazy head of mine!).

So here’s to the first of many posts on my new site! Be sure to subscribe so you can stay in the loop on all my style secrets and stories! I hope you will join me!


Photo by Kate McCarthy
Makeup by Geysha Tomassone

When Leopard is Not a Good Idea

When Leopard is Not a Good Idea